Services are discoverable
Discovery helps avoid the accidental creation of redundant services or services that implement redundant logic. Because each operation provides a potentially reusable piece of processing logic, metadata attached to a service needs to sufficiently describe not only the service�s overall purpose, but also the functionality offered by its operations.
Note that this service-orientation principle is related to but distinct from SOA discoverability. On an SOA level, discoverability refers to the architecture�s ability to provide a discovery mechanism, such as a service registry or directory. This effectively becomes part of the IT infrastructure and can support numerous implementations of SOA.
On a service level, the principle of discoverability refers to the design of an individual service so that it be as discoverable as possible.
This page contains excerpts from:
Service-Oriented Architecture:
Concepts, Technology, and Design
by Thomas Erl
(ISBN: 0131858580, Prentice Hall/PearsonPTR, Hardcover, 792 pages).
For more information, visit www.soabooks.com.